5. Yoga Community

From Yoga to Running to Auto-Immune and Breast Implants with Cam Shackleton


An Interview with Nina Saacks

This is a jam-packed chat that I had with the lovely Cam Shackleton.

I met Cam when she joined our Tokai Yoga Studio many, many moons ago when she was probably at her lowest. This is her story of journey to health – and through healing.

Cam shares her story of how a running incident led her to unravel a number of health stories in her life. We explore so many different facets in Cam’s life. She is honest, open and shares from her learned experiences.

We delve into the worlds of: Being a successful home-run business To an expanding business with additional stresses Yoga Running Auto-immune issues Celiac Fibromyalgia Breast Implants and Breast Implant Illness We go deep and we reveal some hard to swallow truths about the medical and pharma-world.

Our conversation leads us to what made her decide to take the plunge and invest in the Culinary Nutrition Expert Program.

To connect with Cam cam.shackleton@gmail.com

* Apologies for my poor lighting – we had a massive storm here in Mozambique that knocked out poor during our set interview time! And check out Helen at Life Shine Wellness Centre for deep detox programmes in Cape Town