Welcome to Nadya Booyse of Parinama Yoga Studio to the YAA Teacher List! To inquire further about the classes and style of Yoga Nadya teaches please contact her on the following options: Contact: Nadya Booyse Name: Parinama Yoga Studio Address: Midstream Estates, Midstream, Midrand, Gauteng. Tel: 082 955 2282 E-mail: nadya@journey-keeper.com Website: […]
Tag: Gauteng
Sincere gratitude to Heike & Heinrich Degener of Celestra Yoga Studio in Bryanston, Gauteng for coming on board the YAA platform to share their connection with the South African community. Heike Tara Kaur is a Kundalini and Reiki teacher and Heinrich deals with the technical and marketing side of Celestra Yoga Studio. This new studio […]