1. Name:
Hylton Jaggard.
2. DOB:
28 October 1968.
3. What style of yoga do you teach?
An integrated eclectic mix of movement – Iyengar based.
4. Where do you teach?
Hot Dog Yoga Studio in Sea Point, Cape Town.
5. How long have you been practicing yoga?
Since a young boy – when looking back at childhood photos I am often depicted in a handstand / Tree pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana.
6. How long have you been teaching yoga?
24 insightful years.
7. Who have you trained with and where?
John Leebold, (Iyengar), Mary Dunn, (Iyengar, NYC), Richard Freeman, (Ashtanga, Colorado), and many more great souls…
8. What lead you to teaching yoga and at what point did you decide that you wanted to teach?
Living in Japan with friends who were expats; they were interested in learning the art of movement, so I started teaching them what I knew.
9. What do you love most about teaching?
Witnessing my students’ love for yoga deepen.
10. Is there a focus in your teaching style?
I enjoy the creativity of designing intelligent sequences.
11. What do you love most about yoga?
That it is so much more expansive than just the physical body, yoga really is a gateway to higher consciousness.
12. What is the greatest challenge you have overcome with the help of yoga?
Yoga stills my jumpy mind…my thoughts can be valid, but varied within a very short space of time.
13. What advice do you have for people who have never tried yoga?
Yoga is a life-changing adventure into understanding your deeper self – don’t hold back!
14. Do you have a regular practice?
Most of the time yes. The breaks from practice bring more inspiration and creativity into it.
15. Favourite Asana:
That’s hard…Tadasana for its simplicity, that everything comes from the profound alignment and grounding. Savasana, beautiful to let go of all effort and integrate the energy of one’s practice.
16. Strongest Asana?
17. Any religious affiliations?
To understand all is to forgive all.
18. What are your other interests?
Five rhythms, swimming, yoga philosophy…
19. Any Thank Yous?
Huge Thank You to my students who teach me every day and share so much love – thank you for trusting me to be part of your journey. My family and friends for their faith and support.