If your aspiration and determination is to further your spiritual growth through your Yoga practice then the Integral Yoga Course offered by Ananda Kutir Ashrama will serve that true purpose. To learn or to discover anew Integral Yoga which encompasses Hatha, Karma Bhakti, Jnana and Raja Yoga be sure to mark this course as part of your Yoga education. There is always something to learn in Yoga. It is forever giving!
Integral Yoga Course
Spiritual Growth Through Yoga
with Swami Vidyananda.Â
This course is aimed at aspirants who wish to learn and implement the principles of Integral Yoga in order to purposefully further their personal development in a practical manner. We deepen our practice, experience and knowledge of Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Raja and Jnana Yoga as tools for personal transformation. (No previous experience is necessary.)
The course is broken up into six modules of five sessions each and includes an optional one-week yoga retreat. Please note that all previous modules must be completed before enrolling into a particular module.
This year all classes are held on Monday evenings, from 18h00 – 21h00, and literature is included.
Module 1: 10 February – 10 March (R850)
Module 2: 17 March – 5 May (R700) (no classes on 21 and 28 April)
Module 3: 12 May – 9 June (R700)
Retreat: dates to announced (cost to be advised)
Module 4: 28 July – 25 August (R860)
Module 5: 15 September – 20 October (R860) (no class on 6 October)
Module 6: 3 November – 1 December (R780)
Bookings must be accompanied with full payment latest by one week prior to beginning of each module. A module can only be attended if all previous modules have been completed. For Members of the Ashrama a 10% discount is offered.
To book for the course email info@anandakutir.org.za or call 021 696 1821.
The course will be held at Ananda Kutir Ashrama. www.anandakutir.org.za