
June 2013: Beaming Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Cape Town.


beamingkidstamarTeaching children’s yoga is both a blessing and a privilege. By sharing the ancient art of yoga with kids, you help them connect with their higher selves and empower them with tools and life skills that help them become fulfilled, happy, kind and caring members of society.

Our children have the right to realize the power they have within, to make manifest their grandest dreams and maintain personal wellness and vitality.

In the 4 day Beaming Kids Teacher Training Course you will awaken your inner child so that it beams so brightly you will be able to share it, effortlessly, with children in all areas of your life. You will be able to successfully teach yoga to kids independently or as part of the Beaming Kids Team, and, regardless of what you choose you will be able to make an enormous contribution to humanity and the future of our very precious world.

The course is separated into two modules. Each module runs over a full weekend. You need to complete both modules in order to certify. Thereafter, depending on your yoga experience and proficiency, you will be able to start teaching or clock up the hours that are needed in order to do so.

Prospective Course Dates in Cape Town for 2013

© Module 1 – June 22nd & 23rd

© Module 2 – July 6th & 7th


© Module 1 & 2 Combined – June 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 25th


© Module 1 – R3250

© Module 2 – R3500


Special Offer – Invest in both modules up front and save R500


Your investment includes:

© Two fully comprehensive and easy to use manuals

© Vegetarian lunches, tea and filtered water


The course will take place in a venue to be confirmed.


Should you wish to book your sacred space, please let me know as soon as possible.


I am looking forward to sharing this special time and space with you.

Much love, light and gratitude…


Cell: 083 307 7011 or Email: tamar@beamingkids.co.za | Join us on Facebook and Twitter www.beamingkids.co.za


PS: Please forward on to anyone you think may be interested.


With love and light

Tamar Dakes

Cell: 083 307 7011, Fax: 086 512 5568

Email: tamar@beamingkids.co.za
