5. Yoga Community

Let’s ‘Yoga’ together for “One Track Heart The story of Krishna Das”


Krishna Das is a world renowned Grammy nominated Kirtan singer. His devotion to following the path and living his passion has transformed his life and he continues to share the journey with the Yoga community worldwide.

His life is documented in the film. “One Track Heart The Story of Krishna Das ” and follows the story of Jeffrey Kagel, “Krishna Das”, who in 1970 “walked away from the American dream turning down the chance to record as lead singer and moved from the suburbs of Long Island to the foothills of the Himalayas in search of happiness and a little-known saint named Neem Karoli Baba. The film follows his journey to India and back, witnessing his struggles with depression and drug abuse, to his eventual emergence as Krishna Das, world-renowned spiritual teacher and Grammy nominated chant master.”

This film will be showing for one night only at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town on Sunday the 15th June 2014 from 18:15pm to 20:00pm.

Krishna Das film

As dedicated Yoga practitioners and teachers we know that “Yoga” means union or the “yoking” together of body, mind and soul. Living in this unity not just on the mat but more importantly off the mat in our daily lives with ourselves and our relationship with others, is key to our well-being and spiritual awakening.

So it seems fitting that we “Yoga” together to meet, to greet and to view the movie of this well known Yogi whose own journey is living proof of the transformative healing power of Yoga, no matter which path is chosen – Bhakti, Raja, Jnana or Karma Yoga because once on the road of being a Yoga seeker, the way will reveal itself and the discovery of one’s true self begins.

We are blessed and so grateful to AIR in The Woodstock Exchange, CPT, for sharing this event with us and to ensure you don’t miss the opportunity to be there, AIR is hosting a competition to WIN tickets to the screening of this documentary. Click on the link below, follow the super easy rule, spread and SHARE the love and you could be the winner!


Just as we commit to our mat, make a date to commit with your fellow yogis for Sunday the 15th June 2014 to see this film! If that’s not enough to convince you to venture out on a winter’s evening,…It’s the Labia’s 65th anniversary celebrating its film legacy, it’s a movie on a Sunday night with awesome company and there’ll be hot drinks and popcorn…….SORTED!!!

AIR Name