
March 2014 Ekam Yoga 200hr Teacher Training in JHB.


Ekam Yoga Ashtanga Practitioner Training.
Ekam Yoga will be offering its second Yoga Alliance, USA registered 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, tentatively beginning 2 March 2014. Please contact us on info@ekamyoga.co.za if you would like to receive more information.

• An ashtanga vinyasa practice of at least 3 months. I ask that you practice for one month (February) at Ekam Yoga prior to the start of the teacher training, (exceptions may be given, let us know your situation).
• The ability to devote three months to the practice of yoga, asana, pranayama, and meditation plus full participation in all weekend seminars, in addition to your regular life.
• The desire to deepen and expand your personal practice of yoga, and to share your practice with others.
• Completion of the application form and a non-refundable deposit of R4000.

YTT Ekam Yoga Studio Jhb
YTT Ekam Yoga Studio Jhb

The purpose of this training is to broaden your awareness of yoga practices, philosophies and traditions in order to deepen your self-practice and communicate your knowledge of yoga to others. This is a practical training that fulfils the Yoga Alliance, USA requirements for a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). It is structured around the eight limbs, (ashta-anga), of yoga and a daily practice of ashtanga vinyasa yoga. It is meant to open your awareness to what is out there, not dictate a single point of view. The course is founded around core yoga scriptures, (Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and the Yoga Sutras), practice of the eight limbs, and hands-on experiential learning. This course is intended to challenge and stretch you, but it is only the beginning. A Yoga Alliance-recognized RYT-200 certificate is issued upon completion of the course requirements and proven competency in the ashtanga vinyasa primary series.

At the completion of this training you will be fully grounded in your ashtanga vinyasa practice, be able to lead a counted ashtanga vinyasa class and be familiar with verbal and manual adjustments for postures in the primary series.

The course duration is 12 weeks. Only 8 students will be accepted to optimize the learning environment. Training takes place in addition to your current life schedule; therefore you may need to adjust your schedule to meet the course requirements. A vegetarian diet is recommended, and a 6-day/week yoga practice is required. In addition, attendance is required at all weekend seminars.

Cost: R 16,000.
Cost includes:
• Over 200 contact hours with Yoga Alliance registered E-RYTs and other specialists in their fields.
• Practical training in yoga asana, pranayama and meditation, 6 days/week at Ekam Yoga for the course duration.
• Weekend seminars covering yoga techniques, training and practice, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, and yoga philosophy, lifestyle and ethics.
• Course binder and all required reading/listening materials.

Course Director: Sarah Yates, E-RYT 200.

Ekam YTT Photo

Ekam Yoga is a Yoga Alliance, USA registered Yoga School.Ekam Traditional Ashtanga Yoga Studio Jhb