Advaita Vedanta is the name given to the most universal and purest stream of Indian philosophy. It is the name of the philosophy that seeks to know the nature of the Absolute. Advaita Vedanta can be explained simply in the following way: most religions agree that before anything was created, before anything happened, there was […]
Tag: Mansoor
April 2013: Yoga and Vedanta Classes and Retreat with International Guest Teacher Mansoor from India, Cape Town, South Africa
Somerset West: Mayfair Cottage – call Roxy to reserve a place 021 8517037 11th April 11am to 2pm 13th April 9 to 2pm Cape Town Studio of Kathy Schwager 5 Ravensworth Road, Claremont. – call Susie to reserve a place 0793833860 (space is limited to 14) 15th 6pm to 9pm 16th 10am to 1pm and […]