1. Yoga Events

Jalandhara Bandha explained by Swami Vidyananda

As discussed in the previous article, mudras seal the openings of the body to retain prana and bandhas seal as well as direct the prana. Yoni Mudra seals the openings of the head. Jalandhara Bandha seals the opening of the throat. It is practised with kumbhaka on inhalation. After the inhalation hold the breath and […]

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1. Yoga Events | 4. Yoga Practice

Mudras & Bandhas by Swami Vidyananda

At the very heart of Hatha Yoga are the all-important practices of Mudras and Bandhas. These are important because the essence of Hatha Yoga and particularly Pranayama is to regulate, harmonise and channel the Prana so that it can be utilised for the higher purposes of Yoga. In asana and pranayama we purify the nadis […]

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