
16 March 2013: SARYTA Iyengar Yoga Workshop with David Jacobs, at Shanti Cape Town, South Africa


Our next workshop is on the 16th of march with David Jacobs, a well known Iyengar teacher. It is a full day workshop with a therapeutic
focus on shoulder and back problems.

The Venue is Shanti, 3rd Floor 62 0n Roeland Street, Gardens

Time: 9am till noon Asana practice in relation to therapeutic theme. After a lunch break and bring your own lunch or go to a restaurant

e.g. Dunkley Square; 13h30 till 16h:00 restorative postures and pranayama.

Costs: members R600 and non-member R650

Please contact Marjolein for more information marjogamble@gmail.com


Side note:

As you will know David is a very experienced and certified Iyengar teacher, who at present only teaches teacher training workshops world
wide, now that he is living in Oudtshoorn. He also has experience in teaching classes for those with injuries and medical conditions.
He proposes to work out a therapeutic class focusing on shoulder and back problems.
It would help him, if those of you who attend send a list of asanas where they experience shoulder and back problems. The workshop will
focus on general asanas with attention given to those students/teachers experiencing back/shoulder problems. He does mention
that postures can be done incorrectly, without a full understanding of the final poseand this can be the cause of such problems.

He also notes that a full therapeutic workshop requires a huge amount of equipment, which is not available in our situation.
We will need to bring some of our own props and our own lunch. Juice will be supplied.
The workshop will focus on an asana practice in relation to the above from 9am till noon. We will continue at 13h:30 for restorative
postures and pranayama till 16h:00.

This is a unique opportunity as David usually teaches Iyengar workshops. He has conducted workshops for us in the past and hence he
is willing to accommodate us.