1. Yoga Events | 4. Yoga Practice

Ashvini Mudra by Swami Vidyananda

As explained in the previous articles, prana leaks out through the openings of the body. During the practice of pranayama the mudras and bandhas are practised in order to close the openings and keep the prana in the body. One of the important bandhas that are practised is Mula Bandha. As a preparatory practice an […]

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1. Yoga Events | 4. Yoga Practice

Mudras & Bandhas by Swami Vidyananda

At the very heart of Hatha Yoga are the all-important practices of Mudras and Bandhas. These are important because the essence of Hatha Yoga and particularly Pranayama is to regulate, harmonise and channel the Prana so that it can be utilised for the higher purposes of Yoga. In asana and pranayama we purify the nadis […]

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4. Yoga Practice

Yoga Pose: Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Lord of the Fishes Seated Spinal Twist tones, activates and massages the abdominal organs
Improves circulation to the abdominal organs; helps to massage and remove toxins from the abdominal organs;
assists with and improves digestion and…

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4. Yoga Practice

“Introduction to Restorative Yoga” by Charlotte Pregnolato.

“On one hand, it’s not surprising that restorative yoga has gained in popularity over the last twenty years considering that aging baby boomers might well be looking for gentler, more therapeutic physical practices.  What is interesting is how young people are increasingly attracted to this gentle practice.  In fact, www.alignyo.com named restorative yoga one of […]

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4. Yoga Practice

Garudasana – The Eagle Pose.

Begin in Tadasana – Feet together Bend both legs slightly Bring the toes of the right foot to gently rest on the mat Bend the standing left leg further and cross the right leg over the left thigh If possible, curl the toes of the right foot or the whole right foot around the back of […]

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