1. Yoga Events



Jac Kritzinger Reforest Fest 2

“In February 2011, I received a phone call from a man named Francois Krige, who was living in Platbos Forest, a place about which I had never heard before. My partner Misha met him and was inspired by his dedication to and knowledge of indigenous trees – he wanted to offer us help and advice. When we visited the forest a week later, we were overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and preciousness of this magical place, and drafted a proposal to get Greenpop involved with planting trees there – Melissa and Francois Krige were replanting the forest as part of their Trees for Tomorrow programme and we wanted to bring people and help out. Three months later, Misha, Jeremy, myself and 80 of our friends and family members joined Melissa and Francois and their family at Platbos and planted 1338 trees in a weekend, and the Reforest Fest was born.”

– Lauren O’Donnell, Greenpop Managing Director

Jac Kritzinger Reforest Fest 1

“The next year, Greenpop hosted a second Reforest Fest, where double the amount of people planted 2002 trees. In 2013, Greenpop hosted the Family Fest and the Friends Fest over two successive weekends, planting more 5001 trees over both.

Michele Brooks Reforest Fest 1

Over the weekends of 9-11 and 16-18 May 2014, Greenpop returned to Platbos Forest for its fifth and sixth Reforest Fest, planting 3001 trees at the Family Fest and 7001 at the Friends Fest. All told, 622 people came together to plant 10 002 trees over both weekends, bringing the total trees planted at the Platbos Forest Reserve to date to 18 343 by Greenpop through the Reforest Fests. All trees planted as part of the reforestation efforts at Platbos Forest Reserve are endemic; the trees are grown in a nursery on site with seeds harvested from the old growth forest.”

Jacques Smit Reforest Fest 1

In three weeks, Greenpop will welcome several dozen volunteers from all over the world to the Greenpop Village in Livingstone, Zambia for the third annual Trees for Zambia Festival of Action: a three-week tree-planting and eco-education project to take place from 15 June to 6 July. On the project, volunteers will plant trees, educate children, learn about environmental issues through a range of lectures and interactive workshops, enjoy brilliant live music, and explore this beautiful corner of Africa. For more information, all are welcome to email zambia@greenpop.org.

Greenpop Trees for Zambia – http://www.greenpop.org/projects/trees-for-zambia/

About Greenpop:

Greenpop is on a mission to (re)connect people with our planet. They plant trees and have fun doing it.

Greenpop plants trees in urban greening and reforestation projects and hosts green events, workshops and festivals of action to inspire people to get active about a sustainable future.

Embark on a journey with Greenpop, and join the treevolution TODAY!

More information:


Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/GreenpopTreevolution

Twitter – @GreenpopSA

Instagram – @GreenpopSA

GreenpopTreevolution Youtube channel (watch all our videos) http://www.youtube.com/user/GreenpopTreevolution


Will McAneny

Tel: +27 (0)21 461 9265

Email: will@greenpop.org


Jac Kritzinger – Relevant Reality Photography

Jacques Smit – Pursue / The / Wolf

Michele Brooks – Michele Brooks