
YAA Book Review: “Follow the Sun” by Sharni Quinn.


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As some of you may already know. Sharni is an Australian born South African from Joburg, now living in Cape Town. She started off in the advertising and media world, transitioned into yoga, got married and after a downward spiralling marriage to her bipolar husband, Sharni herself started suffering from depression.


The book takes us on an honest and real journey through Sharni’s life, her ups, her downs, her difficulties and challenges, her fears, her expectations, her glasses of wine, her laughter and her love and enthusiasm for life and helping to heal others – a life that many of us can relate to on some level or another. As Sharni guides us through her healing process, travelling to 4 countries in 9 months to follow the sun and encounter new experiences while aiming to do 108 sun salutations each week and 4 more extra sets for the equinoxes’ amounting to a total of 4 644 Sun Salutations, one can get transported, healed, laugh and cry with her through the pages.  Because not only is the book an honest reflection of the transformational process Sharni undertook, but also a way to gain sponsorship and support for the community of the Goedgedacht Farm in Cape Town.


The book is an inspirational read. A book to help heal. To help grow. To help motivate. We all have struggles in our lives, sometimes they are enormous, sometimes they are tiny, but we are all human and we all encounter difficulties at some point in time. This book is one of those that comes to you at the right time, when you need to hear those reassuring words, being reminded that you too are special and are able to heal. Sharni shares many inspirational quotes that she has picked up along the way and over the years, (which always seem to be just what you need to hear!), and at the end of each chapter there is a Louise Hay saying to remind us of our inner beauty and unconditional loving nature.

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From the book we can see what a huge impact Sharni has already had on her students and those she has come into contact with through her Follow the Sun business, adventures and retreats.

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So who is the book is for?

If you are lost, stuck, confused, unsure, or just needing a bit of inspiration, be sure to get a hold of this book. I love it because not only is it written by a yoga teacher and yoga enthusiast who is looking to share the healing light that yoga can offer but she is also helping our local communities who are so desperately in need of support – a true South African that we can all be extremely proud of. So for all yoga practitioners out there, do yourself a favour, support our local talent, get hold of this book and enjoy your journey with Sharni, as the two of you head off to “Follow the Sun”. Definitely one of those worth keeping in the bookcase for when you need a pick-me-upper read!

Thanks to Sharni for opening her heart, allowing me in and becoming part of the process. Deepest gratitude to you.




Be sure to catch Sharni at her book launch at Wellness Warehouse on Thursday the 22nd of May 2014.

sharni detail

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  1. Thank you Nina for such a beautiful review of my book.
    Writing the book was a healing experience in itself. It makes me very happy now that I can share it with fellow yogi’s, friends, family and women who are in need of a little inspiration.
    Thank you for sharing and spreading the sunshine
    Yours in health, wholeness & happiness
    Love Sharni

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