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Yoga Teacher Interview: Nikky Frisoli of Purva Yoga Equipment

  1. Name:

Nikky Frisoli.

  1. DOB:



  1. What style of yoga do you teach?

Iyengar Yoga.

  1. Where do you teach?

Unfortunately I am not teaching due to health issues.

  1. How long have you been practicing yoga?

About 16 years.


  1. How long have you been teaching yoga?

I taught for about 6 years.

  1. Who have you trained with and where?

Most senior Iyengar teachers in South Africa. I have also spent a month at the institute in India being taught by Geeta Iyengar and the Guru. I have also attended most workshops of international visiting Iyengar teachers.

  1. What lead you to teaching yoga and at what point did you decide that you wanted to teach?

A love and complete understanding of the Iyengar approach made me want to teach. It was actually at my teachers suggestions that I began to entertain the idea. Once the suggestion was made, I could not ignore it and had to follow my heart.


  1. What do you love most about teaching?

Seeing people celebrate their improved mental and physical wellbeing. And the fun of watching students get up into a hand stand. It changes the energy of a class and brings out the ‘child’ in everybody!

  1. Is there a focus in your teaching style?

It’s been a while, but I focused a lot on the Iyengar approach of alignment. I also spent a lot of time on restorative and meditative work.

  1. What do you love most about yoga?

The quiet time. I feel most connected with my God whilst practicing.


  1. What is the greatest challenge you have overcome with the help of yoga?

Without a doubt, depression. It was suggested I try Yoga to help with depression and it helped almost from the word go. It is also the reason I believe I cope mentally very well with Fibromyalgia. It taught me to be flexible in both body and mind.

  1. What advice do you have for people who have never tried yoga?

Do it, but do it for yourself. Don’t allow a competitive spirit to drive you. This is entirely a self-practice and improvements in the poses should be seen as the body, mind and spirit coming into alignment and not a ‘gymnastic’ type improvement.

  1. Do you have a regular practice?

I do. I have had to completely change the way I practice as I have Fibromyalgia. I have had to really learn to listen to my body. It doesn’t allow me to do much but what I am able to do, I crave!


  1. Favourite

Asana before my diagnosis – Sarvangasana.  It is a deeply quietening pose. Supported Halasana was like a vacation from the world! Now, supported Sirsasana – i.e. hanging in the ropes! I love Trikonasana (using the ropes as support) simply because I feel it opening everything up. It is quite painful and uncomfortable at this point, but I’m working on it. Gently and slowly.


  1. Strongest Asana?

It used to be my twists. I really was able to wrap myself into a pretzel. And ironically it was them that ‘told’ me something was wrong with me. I found myself unable to do the most basic of twists like Bharadvajasana. Now, I really don’t know that I have a strong pose. I am not strong anymore, so I don’t think I could say I have a strong pose.

  1. Any religious affiliations?

I have my own spiritual beliefs. Brought up Methodist but not strictly religious at all. I have explored and discovered my own spirituality through Yoga and meditation.

  1. What are your other interests?

I am an artist. It has always been my passion but I never had time for it before. Since being diagnosed and having to change my way of life drastically, I am able to spend more time on my art. It is another form of meditation for me.


  1. Any Thank yous?

Absolutely, to my teachers Carole Selvan, Jill Jonker and all the senior teachers in the Iyengar association of South Africa. And naturally to the Guru and Geetaji. And lastly, ironically, to Fibromyalgia because it has truly taught me the purpose of Yoga!

