
5-7 July 2013: Yoga Workshops with Shimon Ben Avi, Cape Town, South Africa.


shimonShimon's workshop 2013 flyer frontpage

Shimon Ben Avi returns to Cape Town!

Due to constant requests and in appreciation of the love and support from his Cape Town friends, our teacher Shimon Ben Avi will be returning for one weekend only

Shimon will guide us through a 3-day yoga workshop covering these themes:

• Yoga as means to attain true happiness,
• “Yoga is life, life is yoga” (Sri Aurobindo),
• What guides us in life? Why do we live the way we do?

5th-7th July 2013
Erin Hall, No 8, Erin Road, Rondebosch (http://www.erinhall.co.za/)

First meeting (Friday 5th July, 2pm – 6pm):
• The true essence of Ashtanga Vinyasa.

Second meeting (Saturday 6th July, 9am – 1pm):
• The place of Asana in the concept of Karma yoga.

Third meeting (Saturday 6th July, 2pm – 5pm):
• Giving – and everything which is not giving. Prana vayu.

Fourth Meeting: (Sunday 7th July, 9am – 1pm):
• The principles of listening

Fifth meeting: (Sunday 7th July, 2pm – 5pm)
• Purity and transparency

• 4 hour meeting R500
• 3 hour meeting R400
• Full workshop (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) R2000
• Early bird payment by 1st June for the full workshop: R1800.
Bank details:
Laura Ann Leibovitz, FNB, branch code: 202309, Account number: 62070771847 (cheque).
• After payment with your name as reference, please e-mail your name and the session paid for to yogaretreat2013@yahoo.com
• For any further information please contact us on the email above, or call Leora Leibovitz on 072-970-5984 or Marion on 083-955-5207
• Be sure to check out our Facebook Event Page: Shimon’s Weekend Workshop


Image: Aline Nienaber from Nila Workroom