2. Nina's Musings | 7. Travel

Day 2: Accepting that things aren’t always the way we want them and seeing the beauty of what we do have and where we are. Ghorapani here we come.


This is probably why I don’t do too much research before I travel, because when expectations don’t get met there can be a massive feeling of disappointment. On this day I was expecting to walk through forests and forests of beautiful red rhododendrons, in peaceful and quiet surroundings, with the birds and soft patter of a running streams, (visualize Heidi in Nepal, that’s what I expected). Reality… rhododendrons that had all finished flowering, masses of humans on the same path, noisy teenagers with their rap music blaring from their backpacks… Was this what the whole 12 days were going to be like?!?! So I had to take a break, (at a tea-house with a mug of hot ginger tea and a nice healthy energy bar from back home), reassess my surroundings and get myself into a new mind set. I then managed to see the beauty that was right there in front of me. The terraced fields of Ulleri, the donkeys walking past carrying all that is needed by us crazy tourists to places higher up the mountains, and then seeing the snow-capped mountains in the direction we were heading. Yip we were heading somewhere into those peaks.