2. Nina's Musings | 7. Travel

Day 3: Be willing to adjust your plans and you never know what unexpected joys you might come across.


This was probably the hardest day of the whole trek for me. A sleepless night with a 4:45 wake up call to head off and up, (please note the word UP – doing steps UP first thing in the morning is definitely not my strong point!), to Poon Hill. Again because this is probably one of THE most famous viewpoints to see the sunrise of the Himalayas I felt like I was in the story, The Pied Piper of Hamelin… mass exodus of people from Ghorapani to Poon Hill. But as you can see from ALL the images, it was so worth the effort. The mountain rage is breath taking and again, knowing that we were heading somewhere into them sent shivers up my spine.

Sunrise, here she comes…

Views of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Hiunchuli, Machhapuchhare and Lamjung

And this is 15 minutes later…



It was a long day of walking, we stopped regularly to take in the new sights and sounds all around us. And here I was very grateful to Razia who gave me a bag of the most delicious chocolates before I left which came in handy to keep me going and motivated. We ended up walking a little further because most places we came across were full – the joys of travelling in peak season. But we came across a very basic place in Chuile, (which actually ended up being one of our warpedly favourite, key talking places on the trek), where I got to enjoy my first bucket shower of the trip. If you stay in Chuile, expect the unexpected!