2. Nina's Musings | 7. Travel

Day 6: Keep going, slowly, slowly…


If you know where you want to go in life, what your goals and aims are, then follow the path, keep going, take a break when need be, but keep at it, slowly, slowly does it. Because trust me, when you get there, it is so worth the effort!


This was probably one of the toughest mentally challenging days on the trek. Due to the weather forecast our guide Hebi checked with us and asked if we would be willing and happy to trek all the way up to Base Camp that day. Stephen and me were all game and decided to give it a bash, (thank goodness for our well prepared and quick thinking guide, because two days later the weather had deteriorated quite a lot more and those who made it to ABC didn’t have any of the views of the surrounding mountains). So we left early in the morning and on our way up we made it through quite a bit of different terrain, moving from the bamboo forests, through valleys and passes, up the rocky areas until we made it to the snowy bits. Again this was one of the longest days walking and starting out what would have been fine to do in shorts and a T-shirt, was definitely layered up with snow gear by the end of the day.


It is an amazing feeling to walk all day, to be completely exhausted, and then finally reach your destination. When we arrived it was late in the afternoon, we didn’t manage to see anything of the mountains surrounding us, that was fine, I think we were too exhausted to take anything else in. We were just happy that we didn’t get blown away by the wind, rained, snowed or hailed on. It was windy, cold and for a true South African, it was freaking cold! Again, all I can say, Razia, those chocolates of yours made it all the way up to ABC and were devoured with great gusto that afternoon! An early dinner, a good warm sleeping bag, and high altitude were on the cards that evening.