3. Yoga Lifestyle

Manika Kaur, CD Review “I Bow to you Waheguru”


Manika Kaur

“I Bow to you Waheguru”


Earlier in the year Manika Kaur’s latest CD landed in my Cape Town based post box. With a busy start to the year here in South Africa, I have finally found time to listen closely to this CD and enjoy the tunes and the energy in which Manika created it.


This is the second CD, “I Bow to you Waheguru”, that the talented singer, Manika Kaur has released. Without any formal training, this young lady has found her inner talent and strength to release another CD in just two years. Through her daily prayer, Kirtan evenings and connection to Sikh praise music, she has been able to transform her deep feelings of peace and love to the listener.


manikayaacdreview2I find this CD is offered in a much gentler and more peaceful nature than her first CD and will take the listener into a quieter, more relaxed space. Some of the tracks are lovely to use while teaching yoga, and can even be used when taking students into a quiet yoga nidra and a point of stillness in the class. Those following and practicing Kundalini yoga will probably really and truly enjoy adding Manika’s latest work to create a unique 2015 yoga music playlist.

What I love about Manika’s work is that all proceeds go to charitable causes. Her latest is S.O.S, a Sikh children’s education initiative. I really feel that Manika has evolved and grown from the first CD she composed and I look forward to seeing her progression from here.

For more information about Manika Kaur and her latest tracks, please visit www.manikamusic.com



ninanavasanaprepNina Saacks, founder of Yoga Awakening Africa, Integral Hatha Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer, believes that health equals balance in life, enjoying what you do and doing what you enjoy, and to never take yourself too seriously!