5. Yoga Community

Yoga Teacher Interview: Juanita Caprari.

1. Name: Juanita Caprari. 2. DOB: 29 July. 3. What style of yoga do you teach? Hatha Vinyasa. 4. Where do you teach? I teach group classes at a studio at Renaissance Body Science Institute, 183 Bree Street, Cape Town, corporate yoga classes at the client’s work premises and private sessions in the privacy of […]

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4. Yoga Practice

Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose Begin in a supine position i.e. Lying down on the back Bend the legs one at a time and bring knees towards the chest Lift the feet so the soles of the feet face upwards and the ankles are in line with the knees Bring the knees in towards […]

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4. Yoga Practice

Anjaneyasana – Crescent Moon.

Anjaneyasana – Crescent Moon.   Begin from Adho Mukha Svanasana, (Downward Facing Dog) Lift the right leg up, look forward and step the right leg forward in between the hands and bring the left knee down onto the mat moving into Aschvasanchalanasana, (Low Lunge) Release the hands from the floor and stretch the arms up […]

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4. Yoga Practice

Yoga Nidra: Hope, Faith & Gratitude.

Settle into your quiet, dedicated space and rest in the Savasana, Corpse pose, position. Take a few quiet moments to mindfully assess the physical body noting any discomfort or negative tension that may be present and allowing these sensations to dissolve away through the releasing outbreath, Make any further adjustments needed to lie comfortably still […]

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3. Yoga Lifestyle

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra can be referred to as a deep relaxation. The word “Nidra” means “deep sleep.” In the practice of Yoga Nidra the person is in a deep state of relaxation and stillness physically and mentally whilst remaining consciously awake. The participant rests in Savasana / Corpse Pose and is guided by a teacher from the beginning to the […]

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