7. Travel

Yoga at the Faraja Cancer Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya.


Another phenomenal place, or should l rather say, a project started by a phenomenal lady, Shaira. Shaira decided to start this support clinic after she went through breast cancer and discovered how alternative therapies supported her journey and recovery process. She sourced funding to open a space at the Cancer Care Kenya Parklands Hospital. After 7 years they are still going strong and supporting many cancer patients and families as they journey through this difficult time. All Cancer patients are welcomed at Faraja. The complementary therapies that they offer are nutritional therapy, counselling, creative holistic integration, physiotherapy, massages, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, reiki, pranic healing, art therapy, yoga and breathwork.

It is wonderful to see that this clinic is so well supported by the donors as well as well attended by the patients. Teaching a session here with Ayesha was a beautiful experience. We had students who were undergoing chemotherapy treatment, some had gone through some form of cancer, some were in remission, some were there to support a family member, some were caregivers, some were nurses, some were donors to the cause. All joined in the slow, gentle and nourishing yoga that we taught. A chance for everyone to slow down and to connect with, not just their body, but that inner peace and space within. A chance to receive and have their energy tank and batteries recharged before having to head out and face the next challenge or obstacle.

Again, when we go to places like these that are mentally and emotionally challenging to deal with and we see how much good is actually being done in the world, we come home feeling comforted, grateful and inspired. Like Gandhi said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” A small positive change can have a beautiful ripple effect.

Remember that all proceeds from Yoga for Wellness Tanzania go towards supporting projects like these. So if you can, please get involved.


See you on the mat or somewhere around Africa!

