1. Yoga Events

7 Day Clean Eating Challenge


Are you Ready?!?

The time is never right, never perfect, that I can promise you. If you’re waiting for the perfect time to show up (for anything), then you’ll be 6-foot under, that I can assure you of. 

Trust me when I say, there will always be something that arises, there will always seem to be an emergency, an excuse, a reason as to why not… However, when we carve out time to do something that we deeply desire, we are making a conscious decision to move in a better direction.

We actually allow for more time and space to open up… It seems counterintuitive. How you ask? By having direction and purpose. Sounds simple, in a way it is… all you need to do is show up and we’ll guide the way. 

So are you ready to consider embarking on a 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge?
Yes! 🤔
Are you ready to commit to and experience 7 days of transformation?
Yes! 🤸🏽‍♂️
Then you’re at the right place at the right time! 
Yes, yes, yes!!! 🍁💜🧘🏽‍♀️

How are you looking to clean up your act?

Are you needing a physical clean up (less sugar, less alcohol, less bread, less in general) are you needing an emotional clean up (less emotional eating, less confusion about cravings) or are you needing a mental clean up (less rules and more intuitive connection)?

There may be a number of reasons why you’s want to join our challenge. Everyone’s reason will be a little different, but we’re all meeting at the same place and going on this 7 day journey together. 

Like my mentor Cate Stillman says:
“The human body is quite elegant. When it’s junked up from the inside out… that elegant gets destroyed. Inflammation takes over. Elegant and junk do not coexist. Inside the body, junk – or more than essential – creates confusion and eventually dysfunction.”

Are you ready to put a stop to the confusion and to empower yourself to make better decisions on a day to day basis?
Are you ready to connect to that innate inner wisdom where you body is able to guide and show you the way?

Then you’ll want to spend 7 days in our community and see what is possible?

Date: Monday 30 May 2022 – Monday 6 June 2022
Cost: R500
Where: Live via Zoom

Register by using the link below.Â