Today we explore why it’s important to try something new. This is why it’s important to get out of your comfort zone, hang out with different types of people and get new perspectives and ideas.
Category: 3. Yoga Lifestyle
It’s vital to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Ayurvedically speaking the best time to get this is between 10pm-6am. The reason being… between 6pm -10pm in the evening is kapha time, the slowing down, winding down, heavy energy.
What is possible when you make that friend connection? This is my story about friendship and what is possible when you connect with the right person at the right time. Remember, friendship comes in many different different shapes, ways and forms and is valuable in many different aspects of our lives.
As a yoga teacher I have struggled for years to get into and commit to a regular meditation practice. Here’s how I overcame that problem and started simply to get on track. Sometimes it does help to use a little technology here and there.
Today it’s all about creating healthy habits. We all have good intentions, and for some it is easier to stick to them than for others. Today we look at the habit of creating and having an earlier lighter dinner.
Our Dreams and Goals give us direction and help us on our way forward. Take some time out and write or sketch your dreams today. Here are some tips on how to get started.
When we make space, we feel lighter, we can expand our energy into it again and give it new life, in other words allowing space for something new to enter. If we keep holding on to old possessions, old thinking patterns, old habits we will continue in our current ways.
So how do we make memorable connections in our world?
Explore 7 practices you can use to become a well connected Yogi today.
We have all experienced heartache as some stage in our lives. Here I introduce you to a beautiful, gentle heart opening sequence.
This is the first (slightly longer than expected) recording of 20 that I will be sharing with you over the next 20 days.
So look forward to taking 5 minutes out of your busy work day to sit, breathe and smile. And you’ll even get a chance to join me for a posture or two if you choose