7. Travel

Nourish and Restore: Yoga Houseboat Retreat in South Africa


Yoga on board the Luxury Nirvana Houseboat in Kraalbaai, Langebaan. This is where we spent three nights and four days in November 2017.


Nicole and I started running these retreats in November 2016, the first ever in South Africa. It is our signature retreat, a long weekend of spoiling, switching off from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and all the responsibilities that go with being an adult and having a taxing job, a demanding family, (or both), and just wanting some time out to have fun. Lots of fun and time to nourish and restore!


There is something surreal about waking up at dawn in the middle of a lagoon and watching the sun rise, noticing how nature and the rest of the world start to awaken and begin a new day, with new opportunities and new possibilities.



Enjoying a silent meditation to connect so easily and freely with the universe. It opens the heart and puts you in the right frame of mind for the day ahead.




Being guided through a Yoga class, opening, releasing, stretching, nourishing the body and restoring the mind so that it too comes to a place of stillness and balance. Gentle Yoga, that allows you to access deeper parts of yourself as you practice.




Free time to relax, enjoying the option of having a therapeutic treatment, playing on the SUP and canoes, enjoying a dip in the very refreshing water, hiking, beach walking, sun tanning, (or burning as some label it), reading, drawing, relaxing, journalling, restoring… All those things that are so good in life and that we don’t take time enough to do!


Delicious, healthy meals spent around a communal table, chatting, laughing, sharing – the way we used to, the way that is our natural state as social beings. This is what aids us, not just the digestion of our food, but our thoughts and emotions as well.



Afternoon Yoga to slow things down, to become more mindful again of who we are, our purpose in life and to allow ourselves to experience a sense of deep relaxation and rest. A way to restore and nourish not just the body but the mind as well.



It is in the stillness and space, the pause in life, that we come to the easeful realisation that the answers we are searching for are right in front of us. We just need to pause, observe, look around and take in. This is what the nourish and restore retreats offer you. Time for you, time for you to pause, to reflect, to rest, to fill up your bucket once more and to go back into the world feeling nourished, more inspired, more balanced and more energised.


Thank you to all the wonderful participants who have joined our retreats and made them so memorable and magical. Without you it wouldn’t have been the same!






Nina and Nicole.