Some of us love spring. Some of us dislike it intensely…. Why? There are so many reasons. The change in temperature, the pollen, the swollen eyes, the sinuses. I’m sure you and others have lists and lists. What I’ve noticed over the past year as a Yoga Health Coach in Training is that we can […]
Author: Nina
We had a fantastic time learning all about our skin with Jennifer Stephens in this 1.5hr Ayurveda for your Skin Workshop. Here is a list of items you can pick up in your shopping cart this week. You are welcome to catch the recording here, by clicking on the button below. We have made this […]
Join our 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge It’s the last day to make use of our 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Early Bird Discount. You’ve got until 8pm this evening to sign up and make use of your 50% discount. That’s R375 instead of R750!!! It’s well worth the investment in your health, your wellbeing […]
I came across this image on Chronic Inflammation from the Harvard Business School and I really love it as it shows perfectly the different areas of the body inflammation affects. What this represents to me is that we are more the same than different. Diseases try to separate us, do you have chronic hepatitis or […]
I love starting all our group calls with a WIN. For those who have been part of any of my courses will know this well… It’s not always easy, it’s sometimes pretty uncomfortable actually, especially in the beginning because it can come across as bragging and unnatural. The reason I like to do it, is […]
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms? a. Tongue coating b. Bad breath c. Swollen gums d. Sinus issues? Then, yup, you guessed right, you probably have some level of inflammation. How serious, how bad is it? It might be mild, it might be severe?!? I’m happy to have a chat with you this […]
Join Jennifer Stephens and me in conversation and we bring you simple, fun and easy Ayurvedic Skin Care Remedies that you can make at home. In this call, you’ll join us in our kitchens (yes, you’ll be in your kitchen too) as we make, prepare and explore recipes together. Sign up today to get your […]
Nicole Angelika Panzer shares her tips and tricks for overwhelm with me in this podcast presented by Nourish & Restore. Take a listen and see if any of these ideas could help you or someone you know. — with Nourish & Restore.
Inflammation is a massive issues in our communities and in society at present. According to the National Library of Medicine “Worldwide, 3 of 5 people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.” That is a staggering amount. This means that in a group of 10 of […]
Did you miss our Fascia workshop? Not to worry, you can gain access to it via the Udemy platform. It has now been uploaded and you can purchase the workshop for $19 And you’ll get a free bonus workshop included! To find out more, click on the link below. If you have any questions, we’d […]